Monday, November 27, 2006

Look What I Got in the Post....

... from the totally lovely Jill all the way from Canada.

There is a ball of Sisu yarn (I am so going to be making socks with that) and 2 balls of a beautiful turquoise cotton called Mandarin Petit, and a sweet little tin of maple syrup - I love maple syrup - and maple sugar and there's more.... there are chocolate covered coffee beans (has this woman met me somewhere - how does she know these are my absolute favourite), 3 of the most beautiful stitch markers and a little thing you hang on your zipper that's a tiny knitted jumper.

Are they not just the sweetest things you've ever seen!

And to cap it all there's a little gift of some treats for Bubba too from her dog Cindi (who's another big yellow dog). I'm going to put those aside for him for when he's a little less portly.

Big thank yous and a large hug to you Jill. What a wonderful package, I am quite overwhelmed and think you have done brilliantly, especially as we have never met or even corresponded. I don't even know if you have a blog. If you have, email me and let me know so I can read about you.

This is part of Ms Knitingale's Holiday Care Package swap, designed to help us knitters through the traumas of the holiday season. So another big thank you to Ms Knitingale for organising the swap.


Anonymous said...

Hi Pat!

I have a blog, and have commented here, anonomously of course. I'm glad you enjoyed the package, and I'm really surprised how quickly it got to you! Enjoy!

Pat said...

Hi Jill, Thanks again for the lovely package. Can you send me the link to your blog? My email is pat(dot)austin(at)blueyonder(dot)co(dot)uk

Anonymous said...

Hi Pat, here is my blog address!

Joanna said...

Hi Pat, I was also in Miss Knitingales exchange, I sent my package to Jill which is How I found your blog, I'm also a knit returner, hadn't knitted for 10 years and am now completely obsessed! I also started to spin in June on an Ashford Traditional wheel, so its quite interesting to watch your progress. I like to read to!