Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Out with the Old!!!!!!!

OK, so I've been really bad at posting for the last month or so. I'm sorry. I will try to do better in this New Year.

I have been afflicted all over the festive season by a hideous virus which started out as general aches and pains and lethargy, bloomed into nasty back pain and stiff knees and today has finally burst out into a full-blown snot-ridden cold.

As soon as I have written this post I am going to bed with a hot drink and The Needle in the Blood by Sarah Bowers. This was recommended most highly by that esteemed blogger dovegreyreader so I am looking forward to it.

I finally got around to typing up my review of The Crystal Skull by Manda Scott but I've not emailed it over to Eurocrime yet as Pete had a look and suggested that I might want to check the spelling, and the grammar and the fact that some of it was complete gibberish, before I emailed it. Seems that this virus also affects the ability to think straight. Anyway I shall sort it out later before I (hopefully) go off reading group for the first time in ages. The problem is that Crime Reading Group clashes with my evening class in knitting, spinning and weaving so I've not been able to go for months. I've really missed it, so I'm hoping that by spending the afternoon in bed I will feel up to being sociable later.

I've done very little knitting as I've been feeling so crap, but there are one or two FOs that got done during the mega-movie feast that was Christmas Eve. Details and photos of these tomorrow or as soon as I can get my act together.

I've also read Broken Skin by Stuart McBride. I believe that this may not have been quite as good as the previous two in the series, but that may just have been the fact that my brain was mush. Anyway it was still better than the average (and sooo not set in Edinburgh).

Coming review of 2007 for both books and knitting, and a round up of the lovely knitterly goodies that came my way at Christmas.

If you need me I'll be under the duvet.

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