It's been a hectic weekend here at Casa Austin. (Like we ever have any other sort, really). As part of the great plan to run down the book-selling business and reclaim the house from the many assorted piles of books that lurk everwhere, we did a couple of car boot sales (that's flea markets to those of you over the pond). We sold quite a bit of surplus stock, which was the plan but I am absolutely shattered today as it involved getting up at 5am on both Saturday and Sunday. And I worked all day in the shop today.
Consequently I have no brain cells functioning coherently, so random posting is the best you can expect. Anyone looking for scintilating wit and sparkling repartee should move along now. Nothing to see here.
I have knitted though, in between customers at the bootsales I finished the first of a pair of socks for the Evilpixie -
They're just standard recipe socks knitted in some vintage Sirdar Random that I found in the stash. They look a bit bluish in the pic but they are actually pink and white with a little hint of lilac.
This arrived in the post -
Issue 2 of Yarn Foward magazine. Kerrie has had all manner of problems getting this issue published, so I'm glad she managed it in the end, all be it four months behind schedule. Thankfully she seems to have solved the problems now and the next issue should be on track for July. I like this magazine, it's much better than the ones available at the newsagents, if not quite up to the standard of some of the American ones. Still it's early days, plenty of time for it to get even better.
I got this book at the weekend too -
Lots of great ideas for adding beads, sequins, patterns etc to your knitting.
I finished Dissolution by C J Sansom, and liked it a lot. I was a bit unsure at first, not being a big fan of historical crime and nor being a big fan of crime novels featuring much religion. But once I got into it I did enjoy it, and shall read the next one fairly soon. I'm now reading The Reckoning by Sue Walker. I'll let you know how that pans out, not convinced yet - I'm on page 108 and very little seems to have happened so far, though there's quite a lot of back story. We shall see.
Anyway I'm off to veg out in front of the TV and I think there's a glass of wine somewhere with my name on it.........